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Archiv roku 2019

webinar 12 3 19

Vážení učitelé a lektoři anglického jazyka,

srdečně Vás zveme na pokračování série webinářů. Tentokrát se zaměříme na gramatiku, a to v rámci webináře na téma "Boomerang grammar errors". Tento webinář je určen pro učitele a lektory angličtiny.

12. 3. 2019 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoli s připojením k internetu
na téma
Boomerang grammar errors 

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Mgr. Danka Sekerková: "If students haven’t acquired solid grammar knowledge at the beginning,basic grammar errors come back to them like a boomerang, again and again. They might be able to understand well, have a widevariety of vocabulary and speak fluently but the little “s” in the third person or a wrong preposition will easily reveal a gap in their knowledge. In such a case,teachers need to repeat basic grammar rules one more time even withintermediate or higher levels. In this session we are going to look at some practical ideas how to make grammar explanation and practice more meaningful and fun through engaging context and multiple media channels."

Target group: Teens, Adults

Více informací o lektorce naleznete ZDE.

Euromedia Group, a.s., divize Ventures Books

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