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Společnost Pearson a Ventures Books si Vás dovolují pozvat na v pořadí již 24. konferenci pro učitele anglického jazyka pod názvem The P.A.R.K. Conference Spring 2019. Konference se bude konat 13. dubna v prostorách Biskupského gymnázia v Brně, Barvičova 85, Brno-Střed.
Více informací a možnost registrace naleznete ZDE. Přehled seminářů a workshopů ZDE. |
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V rámci konference jsme pro Vás přichystali 2 semináře, které si pro Vás připravili Jarmila Tomanová a Radka Malá. Zároveň se můžete těšit na náš stánek, kde si budete moci prohlédnout všechny novinky z vydavatelství Pearson, jako je například New Maturita Activator nebo série Gold 2018.
Anotace seminářů:
From sparks to fireworks of creativity
(Jarmila Tomanová, Pearson)
Children are naturally curious about the world around them. Especially with primary school learners we should take advantage of their unspoiled creativity. How can we ignite sparks of creativity to make pupils learn without even noticing it? In this workshop we are going to have a look at practical techniques and activities to spice up (not only) CLIL lessons for primary school learners.
Practice Makes Perfect. Or does it?
(Radka Malá, Teacher trainer)
Have you slipped into the habit of just bringing exam sample papers to every lesson? Are you struggling to find the right balance between preparing your students for an exam and having fun in your lessons? Between teaching language and teaching exam strategy? In this seminar, we will share (and try out!) best practices on how to keep all your students motivated, whether they are working professionals with analytical minds or bored teenagers.
Jarmila Tomanová
After completing Master’s degree in English Philology at Palacky University in Olomouc, Jarmila seized the opportunity to work as an intern at Czech School Without Borders London and taught bilingual children. During her internship in London she passed the CPE exam. In the Czech Republic, she has worked for several language schools teaching individual, in-company, public and post-secondary courses. Jarmila has recently joined Bohemian Ventures as a methodological consultant.

Radka Malá
Radka has been teaching foreign languages for over ten years, gaining experience in a wide range of classes for special purposes and with all age groups. She now specialises in teaching professional English to adults and utilising her lifelong passion: technology and video in the classroom. As a teacher trainer and conference speaker, she follows the same principles as a language teacher; activate your students, make the session meaningful and have fun! She is also the author of additional material in the Lifestyle and Next Move series of textbooks. Radka’s educational background includes a Master’s degree in English and Italian from Charles University, Prague.