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srdečně Vás zveme na další z námi pořádaných webinářů. Tentokrát se zaměříme na výuku dětí a mladých studentů v rámci webináře na téma Don’t Forget to Stretch!. Tento webinář je svým obsahem určen pro učitele a lektory angličtiny.
5. 6. 2019 od 18:00 do 19:00
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na téma
Don’t Forget to Stretch!
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Mgr. Danka Sekerková: "Stretching is a very beneficial and healthy routine not only before and after your physical training but it may be also very beneficial and energy-saving routine for English teachers once you get used to in your classes. But don´t worry – you can stay sitting on your chairs as we will be talking about how to „stretch“, in other words extend and modify the exercises in the English course books with primary pupils. I am going to give you ideas how you can use other teaching aids and methods to extend the basic structure of individual course book activities so that you will get extra options for faster and brainier pupils or extra practice for those who need it. And finally you will be able to try these out personally!"
Target group: Young Learners
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