Připojte se s námi k sérii webinářů, které si pro Vás připravili autoři nového titulu z vydavatelství Pearson pro výuku obecné angličtiny na středních školách High Note. Ve webinářích se zaměříme na tzv. "career skills" u středoškolských studentů. Zároveň budete moci zjistit, jak novinka letošního roku 2020 bude vypadat a co Vám může nabídnout.
Účast na webináři je zdarma!
Target group: Teens (15+), Adults
Speaker: Rachael Roberts - jedna z autorů učebnice High Note
Úterý 11. února 2020
10:00 Registrace zde | 17:00 Registrace zde
Teaching English is not simply a matter of imparting knowledge to students. We are teaching a skill, and part of the skill of using a language is clearly being able to communicate effectively with others. In this webinar, Rachael Roberts will look at four aspects of communication skills, and at some practical ideas for teaching or developing these skills in the classroom.
Úterý 18. února 2020
10:00 Registrace zde | 17:00 Registrace zde
Employers are increasingly looking for self-starters who can be relied upon to manage their own time, plan and deliver work seamlessly. In this webinar, Rachael Roberts will look at some practical strategies that you, English teachers, can use to both get yourself more organised (and thus provide a better model for your students) and some activities which you can embed into a regular classroom practice to help your students improve their planning, prioritising and organising skills.
Úterý 25. února 2020
10:00 Registrace zde | 17:00 Registrace zde
As teachers, we can help our students learn how to make better choices, and how to go through an effective decision-making process. In this webinar, Rachael Roberts will teach you what such a decision-making process might look like, and how to pass on these skills to your students. We will also consider how to help your students understand themselves and their values more fully, how to think critically about the information available before making a decision, and to subsequently reflect on the process and the outcome.
Úterý 3. března 2020
10:00 Registrace zde | 17:00 Registrace zde
Nowadays, the organisations are becoming ‘flatter’, and it is more and more common for everyone in a team to be asked to take on some kind of leadership role. These kinds of skills are invaluable for both work and study, and will considerably enhance your students’ employability in the future. In this webinar, Rachael Roberts will look at some ways in which you can integrate teaching or developing leadership skills into your usual classroom practice.
Úterý 17. března 2020
10:00 Registrace zde | 17:00 Registrace zde
In many ways a successful class is a successful team. The very best classes are collaborating, contributing, encouraging, helping, listening, negotiating, managing conflict, planning, problem solving and sharing ideas: all teamwork skills. In this webinar, Rachael Roberts will look at a range of practical activities to help your class bond better as a group, and to help individuals to both identify the strengths they can already bring to a team, and develop those they are not yet confident about. We will also look at ways of dealing with inevitable conflict in a team, and how to teach your students to learn to be able to deal with conflict appropriately and positively.