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Pearson EduOnline 2020: Back to School

Vážení učitelé a lektoři,

po úspěchu naší jarní Pearson EduOnline jsme pro Vás připravili na závěr letních prázdnin její pokračování s názvem Pearson EduOnline 2020: Back to School. Online konference se uskuteční ve formě Vámi oblíbených webinářů v termínu 26. - 27. srpna 2020. Semináře jsou určené pro všechny učitele a lektory, kteří se chtějí dále vzdělávat a zlepšovat své lektorské schopnosti. Těšit se můžete na zahraniční lektory, kteří Vás provedou aktuálními trendy ze světa ELT a na produktové prezentace naší lektorky. Na podrobný program se podívejte níže, kde zároveň naleznete i možnost registrace.


26.8. - 27.8.

připojte se online odkudkoliv zdarma


Guest speakers-updated


Jak se registrovat

  • Odkaz na registraci naleznete vždy pod programem na daný den.
  • Registrace je na celý vybraný den. Zaleží na Vás, kdy se připojíte.
  • Při registraci vyplňte potřebné informace. Následně Vám přijde potvrzovací e-mail (zkontrolujte i složku "spam").
  • Pro přístup do webinářové místnosti v den konání stačí pouze kliknout v obdrženém potvrzovacím e-mailu na tlačítko "Access webinar", tento přístup je pouze pro Vás a nemůže se na něj připojit více počítačů najednou.




August 26th

15.45 - 16.00 WELCOME and INTRODUCTION
16.00 - 17.00 WEBINAR 1 (UPDATED)

Magdalena Szewczyk

Bridging the gap between school and adulthood

17.00 - 17:15 BREAK
17.15 - 17.45 WEBINAR 2

Barbora Míková

Product Presentation - Focus 2nd Edition

17.45 - 18.00 BREAK
18.00 - 19:00 WEBINAR 3

John Wolf

Addressing Lexis Across the Competencies



August 27th

15.45 - 16.00 WELCOME and INTRODUCTION
16.00 - 17.00 WEBINAR 1

John Wolf

In Search of Truth

17.00 - 17:15 BREAK
17.15 - 17.45 WEBINAR  2

Barbora Míková

Product Presentation - Roadmap




Anotace seminářů

Bridging the gap between school and adulthood

(Magdalena Szewczyk, Pearson)

 For Upper-Secondary School Teachers 

We teach older teenagers who will soon be leaving school and venturing into the uncharted territory of adulthood. What do we do to ensure that they not only become proficient users of English but they also become fully rounded citizens equipped with soft skills indispensable in their future work places and so critical in life itself? What tools could we take advantage of to make our lives easier as teachers and what is it that we really need to be teaching now? This short presentation will try to give answers to such questions and show that, whatever happens, we as teachers will be ready to support our students in the best way possible, regardless of whether we teach in the classrooms or from our homes.

Product Presentation - Focus 2nd Edition

(Barbora Míková, Ventures Books)

 For Upper-Secondary School Teachers   Product Presentation

Focus Second Edition is an even richer version of the best-selling  English language learning series for upper secondary students. The new course retains the popular features of the first edition – Word Store (a unique vocabulary building programme) and 3Ms methodology. However, it is enriched with authentic BBC video content and more thorough Use of English preparation to offer everything teachers and students need to achieve success, in and out of the classroom. With Focus Second Edition students will be strong in all language and life skills and well prepared for achieving great exam results. This session is going to explore all the different features Focus Second Edition offers to keep your students engaged and motivated.

Addressing Lexis Across the Competencies

(John Wolf, Pearson)

 For Upper-Secondary School Teachers 

Versatility pervades all aspects of modern life, from the clothes we wear to the classrooms where we learn. Young people in particular are expected to multi-task, and in turn require the skills to do so proficiently. Foreign languages are no exception, where the lines between language systems and language skills blur on every page of the course book.

In this session we will explore how lexis melts into the four skills areas, and can be exploited to help secondary school learners understand and express their developing ideas. We will look at some practical activities to make the secondary classroom more dynamic, as well as the theory that drives these practices. The activities are inspired by a low-materials, DIY approach to language teaching, and can be adapted to almost any teaching context. This session uses materials from the Pearson course Focus 2nd Edition.

In Search of Truth

(John Wolf, Pearson)

 For Lower-Secondary School Teachers 

In several arenas authenticity poses a challenge nowadays, from scientific communities to the media. We are constantly challenged on what is fact and fiction, and in many cases by people we have never met before. Online communities and subcultures are increasingly multicultural, presenting many of us with a variety of insights and perspectives.

For young people the above predicament means first and foremost being a critical thinker, having the ability to navigate across cultures, and possessing the language skills necessary to communicate. In this workshop we will look at how authentic materials can be utilized in to develop foreign languages, and how various forms of authenticity correspond to developing 21st century skills in the classroom. There will be several practical teaching ideas to give participants something tangible to walk away with, and the workshop will feature material from the Pearson course Wider World

Product Presentation - Roadmap

(Barbora Míková, Ventures Books)

 For Upper-Secondary School Teachers   Product Presentation

Roadmap is a new eight-level general English course for upper secondaryl students and adults which recognises that every class is different and every learner is unique. Built on specific learning objectives, the course is designed to give learners the language training they need to progress. Relevant, engaging content, flexible structure and extensive support materials make lessons enjoyable for both learners and teachers. In this webinar, I’m going to guide you through Roadmap’s extraordinary structure and give you some tips on how to make the most of it in your classes.





Magdalena Szewczyk (PEARSON)

Magdalena Szewczyk has been involved in education throughout her professional career. Like Nelson Mandela she believes that “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. A passionate teacher of English, for the past two decades Magdalena has been working for Pearson as editor and publisher of English language teaching materials and services for teachers and students around the world. She supports teachers in delivering the best quality classes regardless of their teaching situation or experience.


 John Wolf (PEARSON)

John moved to Poland in 2006 from San Diego, California, and has made Wroclaw his home over the past 10+ years. For the first part of his teaching career, John worked in language schools, teaching mainly younger learners and teenagers, and eventually branched out into other areas of EFL instruction, including exam English, business English, and teacher training.

In 2012 John completed an MA in Applied Linguistics with a focus on teaching English as a foreign language. After that, in order to complement his theoretical knowledge of language acquisition, he undertook the Cambridge Delta in 2015.

Currently John works as a teacher trainer and university lecturer, which provides plenty of opportunities to create and search for new ideas that help his teachers and students achieve their goals in the classroom.


Barbora Míková (Ventures Books)

Bára studied English and German at Charles University in Prague. During her studies she gained valuable experience working as an au-pair in London and studying in Bonn. She became keen on teaching, so she started to work as an English teacher at a grammar school in Prague even before her graduation. After that, she continued her teaching career at both public and private schools and has got experience with teaching all language levels and age groups. Bára has recently joined Ventures Books as an ELT consultant. 





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