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Archiv roku 2018

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Společnost  Ventures Books si Vás dovoluje pozvat na konferenci ATECR ConferenceNo Limits. Dvoudenní konference pořádaná Asociací učitelů angličtiny České republiky (ATECR) se uskuteční ve dne 14.září 2018, v prostorách knihovny města Hradce Králové.

Konference je určena pro učitele na základních a středních školách. Poskytuje jedinečnou příležitost seznámit se s posledními trendy ve výuce anglického jazyka. Neocenitelná je možnost neformálně se setkat s kolegy, vyměnit si zkušenosti a navázat spolupráci. Při příležitosti konání konference jsme si pro Vás přichystali dva semináře.


Více informací a program naleznete zde.

Možnost registrace naleznete zde.



Teacher-friendly technologies

(Danka Sekerková, Pearson)

„Why do I have to be an IT specialist to teach English? “ That´s what I often asked myself and no doubt many of you have thought the same. The answer is simple – because those popular photocopied handouts, vocabulary cards and blackboard diagrams are slowly being taken over by digital materials, which we cannot resist even if our subject is a foreign language. That´s why I´d like to introduce you to simple and teacher-friendly digital tools for lower secondary students and guide you through their „complex labyrinth“ that many of us might have tried to avoid initially. Let´s explore all their benefits and functions that are designed to simplify our professional life.

Use It or Lose It


(Radka Malá)

Oh no, not another writing lesson! How many times has this crossed your mind when it came to teaching writing to your students preparing for the Maturita exam? Let’s have a look at how to make writing more attractive, lively and motivating together. In this practical workshop based on the New Maturita Activator, we’ll try some classroom activities that work like a charm to activate your students and allow for various and multiple exposure to exactly the kinds of phrases they need so that they use them again and again and finally… remember them for their exam. Because if you don’t use it, you lose it!



Danka foto orezaneDanka Sekerková

Danka studied English and French at Charles University. She has 12 years of work experience in teaching English and French, and has taught wide variety of courses from preschool children’s courses to individual and group in-company courses. She has also worked as a language auditor and prepared and presented methodology workshops for fellow teachers. Now she works as a methodological consultant and as a teacher trainer for Bohemian Ventures and she is eager to share her knowledge and experience with other teachers.




Radka Malá

Radka Malá

Radka has been teaching foreign languages for over ten years, gaining experience in a wide range of classes for special purposes and with all age groups. She now specialises in teaching professional English to adults and utilising her lifelong passion: technology and video in the classroom. As a teacher trainer and conference speaker, she follows the same principles as a language teacher; activate your students, make the session meaningful and have fun! She is also the author of additional material in the Lifestyle and Next Move series of textbooks. Radka’s educational background includes a Master’s degree in English and Italian from Charles University, Prague.

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Česká republika

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