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Archiv roku 2023


Místo: Biskupské gymnázium v Brně, Barvičova 85, Brno-Střed
Téma: The P.A.R.K. Conference Spring 2023
Pro: All teachers
Typ akce: Konference
Datum: 01.04.2023
Čas: 8:00

Společnost Pearson Ventures Books si vás dovolují pozvat na v pořadí již 29. konferenci pro učitele anglického jazyka pod názvem The P.A.R.K. Conference 2023. Konference se bude konat 1. dubna v prostorách Biskupského gymnázia v Brně, Barvičova 85, Brno-Střed. 

V rámci konference jsme pro vás přichystali 2 semináře a také naši partnerskou prezentaci. Zároveň se můžete těšit na náš stánek Ventures Books, kde si budete moci prohlédnout novinky z vydavatelství Pearson.


Anotace seminářů:


Think Visual, Think Wild, Think Gen Z

(Radka Malá, Teacher trainer)

" They’re sooo different. What happens when Gen X meets Gen Z? Why might your classroom look a bit wild (at the best of times)? And is there a way to coach Gen Z to their full potential? Using Wider World 2nd edition as our primary source of this practical workshop, we’ll try out some simple ideas for ourselves, so get ready for some running, lots of visuals and a bit of detective work."


8+1 Habits of an Effective Teacher

(Radka Malá, Teacher trainer)

" Why this session? For self-growth. To inspire others. So that your students get the most out of your lessons. And most importantly… to work less and become a more effective teacher. Using SpeakOut 3rd edition as a material to lean on for support, we’ll have a look at how to build new teaching habits that actually stick, and create your own teaching game plan so that you’ll be leaving the session with specific action steps to take… come Monday!"


Partnerská prezentace: Kateřina Myšáková a Vlasta Dohnalová

Exciting news with Pearson!

" Let us introduce brand-new Pearson titles and what they’ve got to offer. From English Code for creative kids, through Wider World 2nd Edition for ambitious teens, to Speakout 3rd Edition for adults who finally want to start communicating in English. We are ready, are you?"


Kateřina Myšáková

Kateřina Myšáková

Metodik/odborný konzultant pro AJ
Zobrazit profil přednášejícího
Radka Malá

Radka Malá

Lektorka anglického jazyka
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Vlasta Dohnalová

Vlasta Dohnalová

Metodik/odborný konzultant pro AJ
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