Jménem Ventures Books vás zveme na konferenci
Pearson EduOnline 2023: Back to School
Vážení učitelé a lektoři,
chcete se po prázdninách naladit na nový školní rok? Stejně jako v minulých letech jsme pro vás připravili online konferenci Pearson EduOnline 2023: Back to School, která se uskuteční ve formě vámi oblíbených webinářů v termínu 31. srpna 2023. Semináře jsou určené pro všechny učitele a lektory, kteří se chtějí dále vzdělávat a zlepšovat své lektorské schopnosti.
Těšit se můžete na zahraniční lektory, kteří vás provedou aktuálními trendy ze světa ELT a na produktové prezentace našich lektorek. Podrobný program naleznete níže.
Anotace webinářů
Speak Out with Confidence
(Lindsay Warwick, Pearson)
For Upper - Secondary and Adult Teachers
When asked why they’re learning English, students regularly say that they want to speak fluently and confidently. How can we make this a reality? In this session, we’ll look at ways that we can deal with the challenge of speaking in and outside the classroom. We'll examine principles and try out activities for speaking practice in class, and consider how to build in multi-device learning and interactive feedback out of class.
Maximizing Resources: Teachers, Learners, and Courses
(John Wolf, Pearson)
For Lower - Secondary Teachers
Inspiration for learning can be found in many places - we just have to look. In this webinar, we’ll discuss how the stories and life experiences we bring to the classroom can be utilized for language learning. Rather than explore the quantity of resources at our disposal, let’s focus on their quality and how we can make the most of our printed resources, learners, and ourselves. Those who attend this webinar should leave with a handful of practical lesson ideas that can be adapted to learners of varying abilities and ages. These activities are not only inspired by a materials-light approach to teaching, but are also based on a communicative approach and experiential models of learning.
"What's New with Pearson and Ventures Books"
(Judita Tóthová, Kateřina Myšáková a Vlasta Dohnalová, Ventures Books)
For all Teachers