Vážení učitelé a lektoři anglického jazyka,
srdečně Vás zveme na pokračování série webinářů. Tentokrát se zaměříme na metodu výuky s názvem "Can-Do Statements". Tento webinář je určen pro učitele a lektory angličtiny.
24. 3. 2020 od 18:00 do 19:00
Kdekoli s připojením k internetu
Na téma
Can-Do Statements
Teens, Adults
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Mgr. Danka Sekerková: "When students come to the first grade of an upper-secondary school their knowledge of English covers a wide range of levels. Mixed-ability classes are challenging to teach in general and even more challenging when students need to reach the same level at the leaving exam (Maturita). One way to approach differences in knowledge is to guide each student to the objective step by step with Can-Do statements. Such small steps allow students to measure their progress more accurately. By applying a self-check and a self-assessment, students will become more independent and responsible for their own process of learning. During this seminar You will learn how to implement the above-mentioned methods to your English classes."
Target group: Teens, Adults
Více informací o lektorce naleznete ZDE.