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Archiv roku 2019

Společnost Ventures Books si Vás dovoluje pozvat na Konferenci pro učitele cizích jazyků, která se koná 22. listopadu v Ostravě. Konferenci pořádá Vzdělávací centrum Hello a je zaměřena na aktuální témata týkající se výuky cizích jazyků na 2. stupni ZŠ a na středních školách.


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Při této příležitosti jsme si pro Vás na konferenci přichystali seminář pro učitele anglického jazyka od naší lektorky Zuzany Pohlové na téma Teaching Teenagers: “If Being a Teenager is Hard, Teaching Them is Harder?“. Více informací o něm se dozvíte níže. Těšit se můžete také na náš stánek s novinkami vydavatelství Pearson a Cambridge University Press a doplňkový prodej her Regipio.



Teaching Teenagers: “If Being a Teenager is Hard, Teaching Them is Harder?“

(Zuzana Pohlová, Pearson/Ventures Books)

Target goup: Lower-Secondary School Teachers

If you have been assigned a group of teens, do not despair! Teens are as enjoyable as any other age group! An important aspect of teaching teenagers is getting their attention and keeping it. How? Let´s find out. In this seminar I´ll show you some practical tips how to make your classes enjoyable for you and your teens. 





 Zuzana Pohlová

Zuzana studied English and Mathematics at the University of Ostrava. After graduation, she started to work as a teacher of English. Her responsibilities included the teaching of English at all levels, advising the students on study materials and planning the programme of courses. She also worked as a senior teacher, which involved other teachers classroom observations and subsequent consultation and evaluation of their work as well as preparation of workshops on methodology and learning styles. Now Zuzana works as a methodological consultant for Ventures Books.


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