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Košík Košík je prázdný

Archiv roku 2018

danka park

Společnost Bohemian Ventures si Vás dovoluje pozvat na jednodenní konferenci pořádanou dne 28. března 2018. Konference bude probíhat v protorách Gymnázia Jihlava a kina Dukla v Jihlavě.

Konference je určena pro učitele na základních a středních školách. Poskytuje jedinečnou příležitost seznámit se s posledními trendy ve výuce anglického jazyka. Neocenitelná je možnost neformálně se setkat s kolegy, vyměnit si zkušenosti a navázat spolupráci.

Pro více informací prosím kontaktujte pí. Ivetu Nečadovou , e-mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript., tel.: 608077302


Při příležitosti konání konference jsme si pro Vás připravili dva semináře.


Anotace seminářů:

Speak, Talk, Communicate 

(Danka Sekerková, Pearson)

Getting students to speak in class might be the most challenging task many teachers face.When it comes to speaking, students have usually nothing to say and pretend to be invisible. Hoping for a magic stick which would untie students tongue and boost their confidence is just wishful thinking of us, teachers. Though, a pinch of theory and a huge peck of practice is need so that students can gather their speaking experience. During the workshop, you will be introduced some tips and activities which will facilitate your preparation for speaking and conversational lessons.


Teacher-friendly technologies

(Danka Sekerková, Pearson)

„Why do I have to be an IT specialist to teach English? “ That´s what I often asked myself and no doubt many of you have thought the same. The answer is simple – because those popular photocopied handouts, vocabulary cards and blackboard diagrams are slowly being taken over by digital materials, which we cannot resist even if our subject is a foreign language. That´s why I´d like to introduce you to simple and teacher-friendly digital tools for lower secondary students and guide you through their „complex labyrinth“ that many of us might have tried to avoid initially. Let´s explore all their benefits and functions that are designed to simplify our professional life.



Danka foto orezaneDanka Sekerková

Danka studied at Charles University, Faculty of Education, specialisation English and French language and she already started teaching in her second year at the university and now she has 11 years of work experience in teaching English and French. She taught wide variety of courses from preschool children courses to individual and group in-company courses. She worked also as a language auditor for the language school and prepared and presented methodology workshop for fellow teachers. She has recently joint Bohemian Ventures as a methodological consultant and she is eager to share her knowledge and experience with other teachers.

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