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Archiv roku 2017

The 20th P.A.R.K. Conference - International Conference for Teachers of English

Jménem společnosti Bohemian Ventures si Vás dovolujeme pozvat na výroční dvacátou konferenci angličtinářů - The P.A.R.K. Conference 2017. Konference se bude konat v krásných prostorách Mendelovy univerzity v Brně v sobotu 8.4. 2017.

Pod hlavičkou společností Pearson a Bohemian Ventures bude probíhat celý odpolední blok. Jsou pro Vás připraveny celkem 4 semináře + závěrečná plenární přednáška, kterou si pro Vás přichystal hvězdný Jeremy Harmer. Jeremy Harmer si dále připravil i jeden se seminářů, o další se podělí Rob Dean, Navot Laufer a Šárka Miková. Dále je pro Vás přichystána tombola o speciální ceny, školní kavárna a tentokrát také slavnostní odpolední raut. 

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 Anotace seminářů:

Telling and retelling: the magic of stories in ELT

(Jeremy Harmer)

Stories are an important resource for language learning – especially when re-told and ‘resignified’ (given new meaning). But how can teachers tell stories most effectively; how can they use them for language learning, use them for memory training and then have students use them and then tell their own? This session will tell that story.

The Write Stuff – Developing the Writing Skill

(Rob Dean)

Writing is often seen as the poor relation of the four skills – the one that’s left for homework because it’s not really considered a valuable thing to do in class. This session will look at some arguments in favour of using class time to develop the writing skill, and will show that far from being a boring, solitary activity, writing in class can be interactive, communicative, and even enjoyable. We will look at some approaches and activities that can be applied to develop various aspects of the writing skill.

Teaching technical English

(Navot Laufer)

What is the difference between a lathe and a milling centre, the Y axis and the rear axle, KPa and Nm? The world of technical English may seem too challenging for a regular general English teacher; however, if you adopt the right attitude it can also be interesting, fun and rewarding for both, the teacher and their students. Unlike many other courses, students of technical subjects have specific needs and if teachers manage to teach them technical English together with the basic general language structures and word stock, they provide the students with the language they can put into practice “the next day”. Then the students become highly motivated. 

Using Stories in Primary School Classes

(Šárka Miková)

The correct use of our memory is important for what we successfully learn. Effective learning is dependent on how much our pupils can remember from their English classes. But how does our memory really work? How can you help your pupils learn and also remember as much as possible? The answer may sound simple – motivate them, involve them, concentrate and keep their attention. In today´s session we are going to see in what ways the context of movie stories and the presence of their characters in primary school classes can improve your pupils´ learning and at the same time make your classes more fun. 


Anotace závěrečné přednášky:

Work in progress: motivation and the teenage brain

(Jeremy Harmer)

Neuroscience tells us that adolescent brains keep on developing right up until the end of the teenage years and humans learn (to some extent) how to use the pre-frontal cortex to control some of the less controlled activity in the limbic system, for example. Teenage brains are, in other words, a work in progress and “an excellent opportunity for education and social development” according to British neuroscientist Sarah-Jane Blakemore.

This session will look at the implications for this and suggest some activities that are appropriate for this stage of development - and who knows, for other stages of development too!



Jeremy-Harmer2Jeremy Harmer

Jeremy Harmer is a writer, trainer and teacher who is currently a course designer and instructor for the online MATESOL at the New School (New York). Among Jeremy’s books, published by Pearson, are the Practice of English Language Teaching (now in its 5th edition, published in 2015), Essential Teacher Knowledge, How to Teach English and How to Teach Writing. Jeremy lectures and trains teachers all over the world including many visits to Poland. Away from the world of ELT Jeremy is a practising musician and spoken word performer. He has released a CD of music and poetry (with colleague Steve Bingham), and two solo CDs of songs. His choral oratorio for children (Island) co-written with Phil Toms had its premiere in the UK in March 2015. www.jeremyharmer.wordpress.com


Rob Dean Photo

Rob Dean

Rob has been involved in ELT as a teacher, director of studies and teacher trainer since 1994. During this time, he has taught a wide variety of ages and levels in numerous countries in Europe and South East Asia, and is currently based in Poland. Rob now works as an independent international teacher trainer and academic consultant, and travels widely delivering talks, workshops and seminars – as well as online webinars - to teachers all over the world.




navot-laufer-scio skola olomouc skola-olomouc skoly olomouc IMG 9230Navot Laufer

Navot was born in Israel to an English speaking family. He studied English at Haifa University and Masarykova Univerzita in Brno. Teaching English in Israel, Japan and the Czech Republic, he has taught in almost every English teaching sphere: from CEOs to kindergarten kids, from individual courses to state schools and from relaxed conversation lessons to demanding exam preparation courses. Navot is interested in language acquisition and developing student’s learning habits. Exam preparation and teaching technical English are his pet subjects.

Sarka Mikova picŠárka Miková

Šárka is a former English teacher with almost 20 years´ teaching experience to students of various levels – from preschoolers to adults. She acquired her Master´s degree in English teaching at Charles University, Prague and after several years of teaching at primary school she spent most of her professional career as a freelance teacher working for a language school and teaching her own individual and corporate students. Thanks to the variety of courses she has taught and organised she became interested in didactics and methodology of ELT and currently exploits her experience as a methodological consultant. Besides her long practical teaching experience she was also involved in production of teaching materials for video classes. 

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