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Archiv roku 2017

EduTour 2017

Úterý 21. 3. 2017, 8:30 - 15:15

Univerzita Palackého – Vlastivědné muzeum, nám. Republiky 5, Olomouc

Společnost Bohemian Ventures a PEARSON si Vás dovolují pozvat na konferenci v rámci 2. PEARSON EduTour 2017: Contemporary Active Teacher, která se koná v úterý 21. 3. 2017 v  prostorách Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci. Brány konference pro Vás budou otevřeny od 8:30. Konference je určená pro učitele angličtiny ze středních a základních škol a pro všechny ty, kteří se chtějí vzdělávat.


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Konferenční poplatek: 300Kč. Platba předem. 

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                    •  možnost výhry v tombole.



Anotace seminářů:

‘Class Scribe’, ‘Word Store’ and other ways of recycling vocabulary

(Sue Kay, Pearson)

In this practical session I will consider effective vocabulary learning strategies. I will focus on ways of systematically recording vocabulary, including the words and expressions that ‘come up’ in a lesson and are often lost once they’re wiped off the board. I’ll also suggest various ideas for recycling vocabulary once it has been recorded.


Don’t Forget to Stretch!

(Šárka Miková, Pearson, YL)

Stretching is a very beneficial and healthy routine not only before and after your physical training but it may be also very beneficial and energy-saving routine for English teachers once you get used to in your classes. But don´t worry – you can stay sitting on your chairs as we will be talking about how to „stretch“, in other words extend and modify the exercises in the English course books with primary pupils. I am going to give you ideas how you can use other teaching aids and methods to extend the basic structure of individual course book activities so that you will get extra options for faster and brainier pupils or extra practice for those who need it. And finally you will be able to try these out personally!


Focus on Authenticity

(Sue Kay, Pearson, Teens)

Authentic classroom texts are in my experience more engaging than texts invented to showcase language, and are more likely to elicit genuine responses from the students. In this workshop, I will demonstrate techniques for obtaining a personal response to the material and speaking tasks that encourage learners to talk about things that actually matter to them, rather than playing roles or exchanging invented information.


Easy and Effective Ways of Learning and Teaching

(Judita Tóthová, Pearson)

Do you have problems how to attract and motivate today´s youth? Try to change everyday teaching methods for more modern and efficient ones. Our workshop offers you solutions how to integrate technology into the educational process and how to motivate students to be engaged more in their own learning. The seminar is intended for elementary and secondary school teachers who are interested in effective methods of teaching which can save their time of preparation for the lessons and provide immediate feedback on the educational process.


New Perspective on Evaluation in Foreign Language Teaching

(Jana Chocholatá, Masarykova Univerzita)

The seminar focuses on functions, methods and evaluation approaches in teaching English. Participants will receive an overview of a number of different student evaluation types as to their time, organisation and system requirements. The seminar will present alternative evaluation methods, as for example student portfolio, e-portfolio, dialogic journal, group work and its evaluation, selfevaluation and peer evaluation. Part of the seminar will be devoted to challenges and problems associated with both traditional and alternative methods of evaluation/self-evaluation with emphasis on their functions and evaluation criteria. The participants will learn about selected methods based on specific examples and will work with sample materials showing examples of how they may define objectives, criteria, evaluation charts and activities suitable for student evaluation/self-evaluation.


Vědomá práce s emocemi ve školním prostředí

(Lukáš Radostný, Martin Sedláček, emoční sebeobrana)

Tématem semináře je představení základních principů vědomé práce s emocemi v prostředí školy. Účastníci jsou seznámeni se vzdělávacím programem Emoční sebeobrana pro učitele®, a základními principy zvládání emočně náročných situacích objevujících se v komunikaci s žáky, rodiči i kolegy. Účastníci získají základní přehled o dovednostech pro zdravé zpracovávání emocí a podrobněji se seznámí s jednou technikou vědomé práce s emocemi na základě vlastního výběru.



Sue KaySue Kay

Sue has been an ELT author for over 25 years. Her first publication was the Reward Resource Packs published by Heinemann. With co-author Vaughan Jones, she has written Inside Out and New Inside Out for Macmillan and upper secondary course Focus for Pearson. Sue is one of the cofounders of ELT Teacher 2 Writer.



Sarka Mikova pic

Šárka Miková

Šárka is a former English teacher with almost 20 years´ teaching experience to students of various levels – from preschoolers to adults. She acquired her Master´s degree in English teaching at Charles University, Prague and after several years of teaching at primary school she spent most of her professional career as a freelance teacher working for a language school and teaching her own individual and corporate students. Thanks to the variety of courses she has taught and organised she became interested in didactics and methodology of ELT and currently exploits her experience as a methodological consultant. Besides her long practical teaching experience she was also involved in production of teaching materials for video classes.

Judita TóthováJudita Tóthová

Judita studied at the Faculty of Education in Nitra English language and Geography. During her nearly 30 years of practice, she worked as a teacher in primary, secondary and language schools and as a lecturer of corporate language courses as well. She also collaborated with the National Institute for Education on English language teacher training courses. She works as an ELT consultant for Slovak Ventures company.


Jana ChocholatáJana Chocholatá

Mgr. Jana Chocholatá is a teacher and a teacher trainer, currently working at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk University in Brno. Among her major interests we can rank teaching English to young learners, teaching English to dyslectic individuals and current trends in ELT such as CLIL, e-learning, blended learning and experiential learning. In her research she focuses on teacher knowledge and on how it develops, as well as on reflective teaching practice and the way it contributes to quality in teaching. She participated in a number of national and international projects, e.g. CLIL do škol, Dystefl (Dyslexia for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, or Nelft ( Network of Foreign Language Teachers). She also runs courses and  seminars for in-service teachers ranging from pre-school age to young adults.

lukas radostnyLukáš Radostný

Lukáš Radostný je spoluautorem konceptu Emoční sebeobrany a lektorem jednotlivých workshopů. Má desetileté zkušenosti v oblasti vzdělávání pedagogů. Současně se věnuje koučování, vlastní terapeutické praxi a vedení skupinových cvičení zaměřených na rozvíjení tělesné všímavosti a zdravého kontaktu s procesy, které v těle probíhají.


martin-sedláčekMartin Sedláček

Martin Sedláček je spoluautorem konceptu Emoční sebeobrany a lektorem jednotlivých workshopů. Přednáší psychologii na pražské DAMU a má vlastní terapeutickou praxi. Působí jako lektor a kouč v oblasti vzdělávání dospělých. Současně vede společnost Impropact, zaměřenou na integraci technik divadelní práce v oblasti rozvoje lidských zdrojů.



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