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Archiv roku 2017

Společnost Bohemian Ventures si Vás dovoluje pozvat na v pořadí již 6. mezinárodní konferenci pořádanou 4. března 2017 Asociací jazykových škol (AJŠ).

Konference je určena pro učitele cizích jazyků na základních, středních a soukromých jazykových školách. Poskytuje jedinečnou příležitost seznámit se s posledními trendy ve výuce cizích jazyků. Neocenitelná je možnost neformálně se setkat s kolegy, vyměnit si zkušenosti a navázat spolupráci.

Více informací a možnost registrace naleznete zde.

Při příležitosti konání konference jsme si pro Vás přichystali dva semináře:

Preparing Students for Speaking at Exams


While taking an exam such as Maturita in English or Cambridge English: First requires proper knowledge of English; it also requires training students in ‘Exam sport’ – the manner in which to approach the specific format and requirements of the exam. Ample training in ‘Maturiting’ can improve students’ performance dramatically. The teacher must take the role of a trainer, helping each student find the most effective approach to each task and provide student with sufficient feedback and training. In this workshop we would look into some ways in which this can be done.

Teaching technical English


What is the difference between a lathe and a milling centre, the Y axis and the rear axle, KPa and Nm? The world of technical English may seem too challenging for a regular general English teacher; however, if you adopt the right attitude it can also be interesting, fun and rewarding for both, the teacher and their students. Unlike many other courses, students of technical subjects have specific needs and if teachers manage to teach them technical English together with the basic general language structures and word stock, they provide the students with the language they can put into practice “the next day”. Then the students become highly motivated.


Navot LauferNAVOT LAUFER                          

Navot was born in Israel to an English speaking family. He studied English at Haifa University and Masarykova Univerzita in Brno. Teaching English in Israel, Japan and the Czech Republic, he has taught in almost every English teaching sphere: from CEOs to kindergarten kids, from individual courses to state schools and from relaxed conversation lessons to demanding exam preparation courses. Navot is interested in language acquisition and developing student’s learning habits. Exam preparation and teaching technical English are his pet subjects.

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