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Archiv roku 2016

Pearson EduTour 2016: English in Focus

Sobota 19.3.2016, 8:00 - 14:00, PRAHA, Jurys Inn Prague

Společnost Bohemian Ventures a PEARSON si Vás dovolují pozvat na konferenci v rámci 1. PEARSON EduTour: English in Focus, která se koná v sobotu 19.3.2016 v Praze, 8:00 – 14:00 v hotelu Jurys Inn Prague. Konference je určena pro učitele základních a středních škol a obsahuje čtyři semináře.

Daniel pardubice Pearson EduTour

Program konference

8:00 - 8:55     Registrace, občerstvení
8:55 - 9:00     Zahájení konference, úvodní slovo
9:00 - 10:00   Arms in the Air! - Activating Learners and getting them Speaking (Daniel Brayshaw, PEARSON)
10:00 -10:15  The Duke of Edinburgh's Award in the Czech Republic
10:15 - 10:30 Přestávka
10:30 -11:30  Seminář pro ZŠ: Using Stories in Primary School Classes (Šárka Miková, PEARSON
                    Seminář pro SŠ: Make Maturita Manageable – with the 3 Ms… (Daniel Brayshaw, PEARSON)

11:30 - 12:10  Obědová přestávka, občerstvení 
12:10 - 12:15 Včelka
12:15 - 13:15 How Can I Help My Dyslectic Language Learners (Jana Chocholatá, Masarykova Univerzita)
13:15 - 14:15  Poruchy pozornosti a chování ve třídním kolektivu (Markéta Hrdličková, Centrum Locika)

Program konference ke stažení v pdf

Konferenční poplatek 300 Kč. Platba předem nebo na místě. V ceně jsou zahrnuty čtyři semináře, 2x občerstvení, konferenční balíček obsahující učebnici, certifikát o účasti. Registrujte se do 10. března 2016 přes přihlašovací formulář. Neváhejte s registrací, kapacita je omezena!

Chci se registrovat


Arms in the Air! - Activating Learners and getting them Speaking 
(Daniel Brayshaw, PEARSON, společný seminář pro ZŠ a SŠ)

There were times when it was thought that fun belonged only in the playground and never in the classroom. Language learning was considered a very serious business and many students suffered through uninspiring, unimaginative, and non-communicative language lessons as a result. Thankfully times have changed and most teachers agree that the element of fun is a powerful motivator and an important factor in learning for children and teenagers. This session will therefore equip teachers with a range of easily prepared and engaging activities to take back to the classroom to help activate learners and encourage them to speak as they develop grammar, vocabulary and skills.

Using Stories in Primary School Classes
(Šárka Miková, PEARSON, seminář pro ZŠ)

The correct use of our memory is important for what we successfully learn. Effective learning is dependent on how much our pupils can remember from their English classes. But how does our memory really work? How can you help your pupils learn and also remember as much as possible? The answer may sound simple – motivate them, involve them, concentrate and keep their attention. In today´s session we are going to see in what ways the context of movie stories and the presence of their characters in primary school classes can improve your pupils´ learning and at the same time make your classes more fun. 

Make Maturita Manageable – with the 3 Ms…
(Daniel Brayshaw, PEARSON, seminář pro SŠ)

Which Maturita tasks do your students struggle with the most? How can we help them to improve in the areas they find most challenging, and at the same time encourage them feel positive about the process of preparing for Maturita? This highly practical session will attempt to deal with these important questions. During the workshop, we will see how the 3 Ms – Motivation, Memorisation and Meaningful context and practice can combine to prepare for a successful performance on the big day. The session will contain lots of easy-to-use practical ideas and tips, and will be illustrated with material taken from Pearson’s new Maturita Focus course. 

How Can I Help My Dyslectic Language Learners
(Jana Chocholatá, Masarykova Univerzita v Brně, seminář pro ZŠ i SŠ)

The aim of the seminar is to point out the major difficulties that a dyslectic individual encounters when learning English as a foreign language. In the seminar, concrete hands-on examples and model activities will be presented in order to demonstrate the most important principles of teaching English to dyslectic learners. There is a wide spectrum of learning differences that teachers would like to respond to in their teaching so suggestions for further reading and inspiration will be provided.   

Poruchy pozornosti a chování v třídním kolektivu
(Markéta Hrdličková, Centrum Locika, seminář pro ZŠ i SŠ)

Cílem přednášky je seznámit učitele s nejčastěji diagnostikovanými poruchami pozornosti a chování, se kterými přicházejí běžně do kontaktu v třídním kolektivu. Posluchači budou seznámeni se základními charakteristikami a projevy těchto poruch. Na konkrétních příkladech si ukážeme, jak může učitel vhodným způsobem intervenovat a co může ze své pozice dítěti nabídnout. Cílem přednášky je rovněž ukázat, jak odlišit poruchy pozornosti a chování od ostatních změn chování, které mohou být způsobeny jinými podněty (např. patologickou situací v rodině apod.).


Daniel Brayshaw, PEARSON

Daniel Brayshaw PicDaniel has been involved in language education since 2001 and during that time has taught students of every age and level. He has worked in Europe, Asia and Australia and, as well as teaching, has worked as an examiner, academic manager, director of studies and teacher trainer. Daniel has delivered teacher training sessions globally and has written or co-authored several student books and workbooks for upper-secondary students. When not working Daniel is a keen snowboarder, nature-lover and music fan.

Šárka Miková, PEARSON

Sarka Mikova picŠárka is a former English teacher with almost 20 years´ teaching experience to students of various levels – from preschoolers to adults. She acquired her Master´s degree in English teaching at Charles University, Prague and after several years of teaching at primary school she spent most of her professional career as a freelance teacher working for a language school and teaching her own individual and corporate students. Thanks to the variety of courses she has taught and organised she became interested in didactics and methodology of ELT and currently exploits her experience as a methodological consultant. Besides her long practical teaching experience she was also involved in production of teaching materials for video classes. 

Jana Chocholatá, Masarykova Univerzita

Jana ChocholataMgr. Jana Chocholatá is a teacher and a teacher trainer, currently working at the Faculty of Education, Masaryk university in Brno. Among her major interests we can rank teaching English to young learners, teaching English to dyslectic individuals and current trends in ELT such as CLIL, e-learning, blended learning and experiential learning. In her research she focuses on teacher knowledge and on how it develops, as well as on reflective teaching practice and the way it contributes to quality in teaching. She participated in a number of national and international projects, e.g. CLIL do škol, Dystefl (Dyslexia for Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, or Nelft (Network of Foreign Language Teachers). She also runs courses and seminars for in-service teachers ranging from pre-school age to young adults.

Markéta Hrdličková, Centrum Locika

Marketa HrdlickovaMarkéta Hrdličková pracuje v Dětském centru při Thomayerově nemocnici a v dětském centru Locika jako dětská psycholožka a zaměřuje se na psychodiagnostiku dětí raného věku. Dlouhodobě též působí jako konzultant v Bílém kruhu bezpečí, kde se věnuje poradenství obětem trestných činů. Vlastní soukromou psychoterapeutickou praxi, kde pracuje s dospělými i dětskými klienty, páry i rodinami. Vystudovala jednooborovou psychologii na FFUK a v návaznosti i interní doktoradský program. Absolvovala akreditovaný pětiletý výcvik ve skupinové psychoanalytické psychoterapii a a dále výcvik v psychoanalytické párové a rodinné terapii. Kontinuálně se profesně vzdělává a k daným tématům publikuje a přednáší.


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